- Lead X-ray plate – Quality product from Nam Cuong Medical Technology 16/09/2023
Lead X-ray plate – Quality product from Nam Cuong Medical Technology A commonly used construction material product for X-ray rooms, radiotherapy rooms, computed tomography rooms, etc. is the lead X-ray radiation barrier plate from Y Technology brand. Nam Cuong temple. So what are the superior features of this X-ray lead plate ...
- Review of X-ray lead glasses at Nam Cuong Medical Technology 05/07/2023
Review of X-ray lead glasses at Nam Cuong Medical Technology Lead glass is a very important instrument in the medical field. With the function of shielding protection due to harmful effects of radiation for doctors and patients. Therefore, the product is widely applied in hospital and medical center environments. Follow the ...
- Where to install lead doors to ensure quality? 23/06/2023
Equipment such as automatic doors, hospital lead doors, operating room doors. They are indispensable equipment in every hospital. Because it is not only convenient but also ensures everyone’s health. Nam Cuong Medical Technology is a unit specializing in the supply and install lead doors with guaranteed quality. So what features ...
- What is special about the Barite bricks of Nam Cuong Medical Technology? 12/06/2023
What is special about the Barite bricks of Nam Cuong Medical Technology? Barite bricks are manufactured and supplied by Nam Cuong Medical Technology. Currently, it has become a popular material used by many hospitals and medical facilities. To understand the composition, characteristics, and applications of RS anti-radiation bricks, please read the ...
- Barite Bricks – The most important material in the construction of X-ray rooms 28/05/2023
Anti-radioactive barite bricks are used in the construction of rooms that use radioactive generators such as X-ray rooms to replace current conventional bricks. This is one of the most important materials in the construction of the X-ray room. 1. What is Barite brick used for? – You are looking to build an ...
- Prestigious and professional CT Scanner package construction address 15/05/2023
Prestigious and professional CT Scanner package construction address Nam Cuong Medical Technology offers a professional and secure CT Scanner package construction service. The company is always committed to the quality of service as well as the construction and installation of the CT room in accordance with the general standards of the ...